Friday, May 10, 2013

Top 10 reasons I love being a mom

Being a mom is, indeed, one of the most difficult and challenging jobs in the world.  But it also teaches me more about who I am, what I believe in and what I value, which also makes it one of the most rewarding things in the world.  Here's my top 10 favorite things about being a mom:

1.  ENJOYING THE SUCCESSES:  The best part of being a mom is getting to experience on a daily basis all of my kids "successes".  Being a mom is the proudest thing I have ever done.  To raise another human being to make a difference in this hurting world....nothing compares!

2.  BRAVERY:  It gives me courage to face and conquer my own fears so that I can allow my girls to see that no matter the difficulty, you can accomplish what you want. 

3.  SEEING THE WONDER:  The best part of being a mother is that with children, every moment is an adventure.  I love seeing the world through their eyes. Their eyes light up with each new discovery.  From figuring our how to sound out words, mastering that multiplication problem, to just playing outside on the grass.  Everything is done with a sense of awe.

4.  DAILY INSPIRATION:  I love that my kids are a purer, more innocent version of their dad and I.  In a sense, they inspire me to go back to a "me" that wasn't as hard, distrustful, stressed-out or tired.  They motivate me to be a better person in general, as I try each day to be a good mom. 

5.  SPECIAL MOMENTS:  My kids can make any moment special.  To see my daughters learn, explore, grow, smile, laugh and even cry can make any moment memorable. 

6.  PURE JOY!:  I love being a mom because of the pure joy I get from being a special part of my daughter's lives.  Watching them learn, grow, smile, giggle and grow into beautiful women....nothing can compare to knowing another individual from birth on. 

7.  A REMINDER TO STOP & SMELL THE ROSES:  Now that I'm a mom, I take time to do the fun things in life.  Notice the sunset, color Easter Eggs, bake Christmas cookies, listen to the sounds around me.  Life has more substance now. 

8.  LEARNING IMPORTANT LESSONS:  I love how my girls teach me to be the best version of myself that I can be.  As a mom, I need to be more patient, kinder, gentler, sweeter, and more rational than I generally am able to be on my own. They bring out the best in me. 

9.  WATCHING THEM GROW:  Seeing the confident, free-thinking, creative people they have become, helps me remember that the little stumbles in parenting mean very little in the long run. 

10.  ENDURING WELL:  To be able to channel and sustain over time, to call from yourself renewed commitment and effort when confronted with challenge or hardship.  Endurance often requires tolerating discomfort, and may call on you to reach for resources and stamina you are not certain you possess.  When I see this in my daughters, it truly inspires me and I think...You Go Girl!  I am so proud of them and of me!

So to all the moms out there and all the kids who inspire us....Happy Mothers Day!

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing mom. Your girls are as lucky to have you as you are to have them. I love your list! You've inspired me to make my own list this week. Thank you for sharing!
